Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Plan for the Professor NO Family

This will conclude my discussion on staying at home vs. being at work. Many of the points I have referenced do reflect the obligations brought about by the needs of children, but I don’t have any. So why not work till they come?

I have already mentioned the desire to invest in our marriage during its beginning stages, which is a big part of that. Two people becoming one isn't all that simple! But in addition, there are other factors.
  • One is that I really am playing part-time secretary to the Professor. As he seeks to develop his career, he needs my help with more than just keeping house. If I join with him he will get much further than he will if I'm busy with my own work. The further he gets while I can help him, the better off our family will be in the long run.
  • Additionally, we want to ensure that we do not count on my income to meet our monthly budget. The arrival of children is not always expected and it is tough when you are in a position where you are obligated for more payments than one income can support, thereby forcing a new mom to work even though her hearts desire is to be with her child. We are staying aware of that possibility and are striving not to be caught in that position.
After getting settled into the new swing of things and developing a routine, yes, I’m open to part-time and occasional work. We feel that we can fit it in around the regular routine without detracting from our home, and saving some extra money will also help our long-term family stability as well as relieve financial stress. But it is, and always should be, secondary to my first job as a wife.

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