Saturday, January 4, 2014

Welcome 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I see upon a very very short review of this blog that I managed all of one post in 2013. Alas, I had hoped for better. But, like everything optional, just didn't find the time.

2013 was, what I consider, an extremely busy year. The Professor and I both did lots of traveling, I coordinated a week-long family reunion attended by appx 25 people (not as complicated as a wedding, but no small task), the Professor completed 5 or 6 classes and progressed significantly on his dissertation work, I changed jobs in the fall, our church responsibilities increased, I became part of a state focused political club and coordinated some projects for them, we continued our small group Bible study, we worked our way through much of the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University Course (we highly recommend it!) and the list probably could continue on quite a bit.

I did discover another good and easy baking recipe, but I won't share it today because we are all still recovering from the Christmas festivities and need no inspirations for baking more sweets! Perhaps I will put it up later this year, assuming that this will not be my only post in 2014. :)

The year, while full of blessings, was not without its losses as we said goodbye to some dear people who completed their journey to heaven, both family members and long time family friends. While such times are difficult, we are thankful for the legacies they left behind of love and service to their Lord, their family, and their friends. On a MUCH lighter note, we also said goodbye to my first car as we downsized to a one-car family. It was a reluctant parting, but I sold it once to the Professor, before we were engaged, so I really couldn't complain. I'd already received several bonus years of ownership, and getting to sell the same car twice is no small trick! :)

The short summary of it all? God is good and faithful, as He has always been, and we thank Him for His abundant provision, protection, and blessings in the past year. We continue to look to Him for provision and guidance in the year ahead, and we pray that all who read this will do the same.

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